Our Travels across the Top End!
The Savannah Way – Cairns to Broome
We left Newcastle at the beginning of April 2008 and headed north via the Pacific Highway to Cooktown. This was a 3000+ klm trip over 2weeks and we made our way to Endeavour Falls, 30ks further north, where we had intended to leave the van whilst we toured up to Cape York. But after 2 weeks of waiting the rough 4WD road had still not been opened so we decided to head back to Lake Tinaroo for a spot of fishing in the dam.
From here we booked a train trip on the Savannahlander Train from Mount Surprise to Cobbold Gorge. We booked into the Mount Surprise Caravan Park and set up camp before the train arrived the next day at the historic platform across the road from the Caravan Park. The journey took us from Mount Surprise to Forsayth on the train and then we boarded a huge 4WD Bus for the trip out to Cobbold Gorge for an overnighter at the accommodation and next morning a trip to the gorge where we boarded the specially constructed boat, very narrow to allow access to the gorge. An amazing gorge, beautiful rock formations and awesome reflections.